8 Tips to Help Your Child Have the Best Summer Ever!
these 8 simple tips, your child will have an awesome summer!
Sorting out your child’s
summer schedule as early as possible is essential for getting the best early
bird deals and making sure spots don’t fill up—but it can sometimes be hard to
focus your kid’s energy on what they want to do all the way in June! As a leader in After School Education and
Summer Camp Programs, and a contributor to LA
Parent Magazine, PAW offers you our top 8 easy to use tips:
1. Ask: While
you’re in the beginning stages of planning your child’s summer, ask them about
their camp experience from the year before. If your child animatedly tells a
story about the clay pot they made in arts and crafts, that might indicate they
would enjoy a visual arts camp, such as pottery, painting, or photography. If they rave about the feeling of being on
stage for the talent show, maybe they would enjoy a camp that specializes in
the performing arts. Summer break is a fantastic
time to explore the seeds of interest your child exhibits and see if those
seeds might grow into full-blown passions!
2. Talk: In
addition to your own online research, talk to the parents of your kid’s friends
to get an idea of what’s great in your area. It might even give you the chance
to coordinate your schedules so your kids can go to a session of camp together!

4. Research: Once
you’ve determined your child’s interests, do some research on your own to see
which camps pass your personal parent test.
Don’t just research online—CALL the camp and see what the people are
like. A friendly administrative staff often indicates happy camp culture! PLUS, ask about their camp discounts that
might not be advertised on their website.
You never know unless you ask! ;)
After talking to the camp’s admin, getting the best deal, learning about
the camp’s teaching philosophy, and making sure it’s within a reasonable drive
time, compile a list of your top picks to share with your child.
5. Give Your Child the Best Chance: Here are a few special follow-up questions to ask as
you explore each camp. Your child will get the most out of a camp tailored to
their age level and development, so look for camps that have curriculums
specifically designed for kids of their age. When talking to the admin, tell
them about your child, and if they have any special
needs or allergies. A reputable camp will have a plan in place to best serve
your child’s requirements.
6. Watch: To
help your child choose between your picks, but also let them feel independent,
pull up the different camp websites and then take a step back. Let them explore
the website with you by their side.
Reputable summer camps will have videos, pictures, and detailed
descriptions that paint a full picture of what campers do on a day-to-day
basis. The best websites include
language that will appeal to kids, AND specific information for parents about
what children will learn. Watch the
videos, read aloud helpful descriptions, and giggle together about how fun
everything looks! If your child chooses their favorite camp, they’ll be
that much more committed to having a good time, than if you choose the camp for
7. Mix & Match: Especially in a city like LA, there’s no limit to how many activities
your child can do! Of course, as many
taxi-driver parents know, this can be a both a blessing and a curse. Try to find a camp that has many different
options, so if your daughter wants to try multiple activities, you don’t have
to redraw your traffic battle plans. Choosing
a camp with multiple activity options is also a major benefit if you have more
than one child! That way, if your daughter
is in singing camp but your son wants to learn to play the guitar, you’re not
driving all over the place, and can ensure you get your own summer too.
8. Prepare: As
camp approaches, get your child in a positive mindset! Maybe re-watch the videos from the camp’s
website, host a movie night related to the camp activity (think: Disney’s Robin Hood if they’re doing archery
camp) and retell the memories that originally got your child excited about their
summer. Make sure they get plenty of
sleep the night before camp begins and talk about how fun camp will be as you
prepare to drop them off. Just like in
sports, it’s about getting psyched up!
PAW’s award-winning
camps for kids ages 5-14 include Musical Theater, Filmmaking, Guitar, Magic, Photography, Rock The Mic, Stage F/X Makeup, Debate
Camp & Camp
Trusted for over 30
years, PAW has 10 camp locations to choose from including;
Brentwood, West LA, Manhattan Beach, RPV, Redondo Beach, El Segundo, East
Pasadena, Old Town Pasadena, Northridge, and Studio City. For camp
information call us at (310) 827-8827
or check out our website at www.PerformingArtsWorkshops.com.
Arts Workshops ~ the ultimate ARTS experience.
Part Art…Part Play…ALL FUN!
Part Art…Part Play…ALL FUN!
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