PAW is Helping Families, Schools, and Learning Pods now when it’s needed most!

~ After School Enrichment Scholarships & Sibling Specials ~ ~ Learning Pod Group Rates & School Auction Items! ~ For 30 years Performing Arts Workshops has been a proud school contributor and community member. Now, when schools, PTA’s and families need it most, and inspired by our core mission and commitment, we are stepping up and doing our part. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our faculty, and your families, our After School Program and Summer Camp have moved Online. We were amazed to find that the issue of Zoom fatigue in children evaporates when children are enjoying arts and active programming, leaving them feeling connected, happy and motivated. The notes we received from parents telling us that it brought the light back into their children’s eyes touched our hearts. Knowing that has renewed our sense of purpose and we see clearly that these programs are more important to the wellbeing of children than ever before. Below you will find our list of p...